• The Montgomery P.E. Uniform is available to purchase all year long from your coach. It is required for students to be able to participate. On the rare occasion that your uniform is left at home, students will have loaner clothes available to them.

    Shirt- $10.00

    Shorts: $10.00

    Sweatshirt:  $20.00

    Sweatpants:  $20.00

    Cinch bag:  $5.00

    Bundle: $60.00 (one of everything listed above)

    Replacement Locks: $6.00

    Students are assigned a locker at the beginning of the year and are responsible for the lock. If it happens to get damaged or lost, the student is responsible for replacing it at the cost of $6.00. They are available for purchase from their coach.


    When swimming, students will need to have an appropriate bathing suit, towel, plastic bag to carry all their wet clothes home in & goggles if they prefer.

    When the weather grows cold & wet outside, it is recommended that students wear appropriate clothing.  A v-neck sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt, turtleneck all solid in color with no writing.  Leggings and/or solid colored sweat bottoms are also permissible under the students' gym shorts.