Physical Education Handbook


    Coach Hewitt- hewittk@cajonvalley.net

    Coach Mandel- mandele@cajonvalley.net

    Coach Taylor- taylorr@cajonvalley.net

    Coach Torretto- torrettoa@cajonvalley.net

    Dear Parent/Guardian and Students,

    Physical Education students will be involved in a variety of activities, designed to improve physical fitness, coordination and sport specific skills. Students may also develop content knowledge pertaining to nutrition, dieting, mental health, the development of fitness plans, and the ability to link the importance of physical activity with life-long endeavors.



    A sequential, developmentally appropriate curriculum will be designed and implemented to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitude, and confidence needed to adopt and maintain a physically active and healthy lifestyle.


    Cardiovascular Fitness:       

    Students will be challenged to improve their cardiovascular fitness level weekly


    Fitness Testing:       

    Students’ fitness levels will be assessed using the Fitnessgram (pull-ups, curl ups, mile run, sit & reach, shoulder stretch, and trunk lift). It is our hope for students to be able to show positive growth throughout the year.  



    Badminton, basketball, collaborative games, dance, football (flag), frisbee, gaga pits, hockey (street), lacrosse, mat games, pickleball, soccer, swim, team handball, track & field, volleyball, volleytennis, weight training, and yoga



    Students are assessed for their academic grade using a variety of tools such as: class fitness data, teacher observations, self-reflections, projects graded by rubrics, etc. Participation, Effort and Improvement are the most important elements in determining a student’s grade

    Academic Grading: 

    Grades will be based on attendance, effort, proper uniform, following rules, and completion of written/project based assignments.

    • A student will earn daily participation points

      • One day a week will be a cardio run day 

    • Academic points will be deducted for the following: 

      • Absence (excused or not): 100% off

      • Loaner: 20% off 

      • Tardy (late to number roll call): 20% off 

      • Negative Behavior/Sportsmanship/Language: 25% off 

      • Points off for loaners, tardy, negative behavior, ect. can NOT be made up



    If a student forgets his/her PE clothes, loaner clothes are available through the PE teachers.  Therefore, there should be NO reason for a non-suit! Non-suits will adversely affect a student’s grade in this class because a student may not participate in class without the proper apparel due to safety concerns. A student will receive a zero for the day and be sent up to the AP with a referral. 


    Grading Scale: 

    For PE class, students receive an academic and conduct grade on progress/report cards. You will not see an effort grade being that PE is primarily based on participation (effort) and because of this we weigh participation points heavier than other sub categories (Assignments/quizzes/tests and fitness). 


    Participation= 60% of grade

    Fitness= 30% of grade

    Assignments/Quizzes/Test= 10% of grade


    Make Up Days:  

    Make up sessions are for ANY absences. They must be completed before school Monday-Friday from 8:00-8:30 am. Check in at the back of the gym with a PE teacher. If those times do not work for you please schedule an appointment with your PE teacher that does. You can make up your swim activity days by completing a mile and half (6 laps) each day you miss for up to 70% of the daily grade. 



    Students are assessed daily for their citizenship grade as it is very important to our staff to instill a sense of respect and responsibility in our students. Students are expected to follow all school guidelines in addition to rules that are specific to PE. Negative behaviors that influence this grade include: profanities, poor sportsmanship, throwing of any objects, hands on/touching of other students will NOT be tolerated. Students who persistently commit infractions will be sent to the AP office for consequences.

    • Citizenship points will be deducted for the following: 

      • Behavior/Sportsmanship/Language: 25% off 

      • Hands on: 50% 

      • Points off for citizenship can not be made up


    • The MMS PE uniforms will be sold during the first week of school and are available throughout the year. CASH ONLY

      • Shirts: $10.00 

      • Shorts: $10.00

      • Sweatshirt: $20.00

      • Sweatpants: $20.00 

      • Cinch bag: $5.00

      • PE Bundle with shirt, short, sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a cinch bag: $60    

    • Students need to come prepared for class wearing their MMS PE uniform and athletic shoes (no sandals or slip-on shoes).

    • On cool days, students are allowed to wear sweats with their PE uniform underneath (no jackets, hoods, pockets, logos or zippers). Sweats may be any one color and plain in appearance.

    • Clothes that are worn to school are not allowed to be worn to PE or underneath their PE uniform. This is a hygiene issue. 

    • Student’s first and last name must be written on the front of each piece of their uniform.

    • Modified or altered uniforms (cut, ripped, written on, markings, etc.) are unacceptable and must be replaced.

    • Students are not allowed to wear other students’ uniforms.

    • On swim days, bring an appropriate swimsuit, towel and plastic bag and/or cinch bag and goggles if preferred.

    • If a student forgets his/her uniform, he/she must get a “loaner” uniform within the first two minutes of the period.

    • Students who come to class without their PE uniform or refusal to wear a “loaner” uniform will be referred to the Assistant Principal for appropriate consequences.



    • Students will be assigned a lock and locker to use throughout the year (no locker changes without a coach’s permission).

    • If the student loses the lock provided to them, his/her report card will be held until a $6.00 cash replacement for the lock is paid.

    • Students are not permitted to bring in a lock from home. 

    • Students must not share lock combinations and/or lockers because of security issues!

    • All valuables and personal belongings including back-packs must be locked up! The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

    • Students are not allowed in the locker room without permission from a coach.

    • No gum, food, drink, horseplay, throwing objects, glass, aerosol deodorant, hair spray cans, etc. will be allowed in the locker room.

    • No food, drinks (except water), toys, i-pods, phones, video games, pens, pencils, misc. items, etc. are to be taken out to class.




    • Medical excuses from a parent/guardian are good for up to 3 days (students still dress-out and attend class). This is also for swimming. Girls who need to NOT swim due to menstrual cycle must also provide a written parent note. A medical excuse from a doctor is required for injuries over 3 days (students do not dress-out and report to the school office for temporary placement).

    • All serious medical conditions should be on file with the school nurse. If your child is going to be on an extended medical leave from PE, but wishes to stay a part of his/her class, the physician note must read, “may be a coach's assistant/helper” to remain in the class.

    • If the above is not on the Dr. excuse, students will spend their PE period in ALC doing class work.

    •  All assignments missed due to medical conditions or absences need to be made up (see your coach immediately).

    • Any medication that a student takes at school must be recorded in the health office with the proper paperwork filled out. (This includes inhalers).

    • If injured during class please report immediately to the coach.



    A variety of smaller awards are also given throughout the year including but not limited to run club, fitness badges, class vs class competitions, athletes of the month. Students chosen for athlete of the month must demonstrate outstanding athleticism or sportsmanship and will be in contention for athlete of the year. One student per grade level will be awarded an award for athlete of the year. 



    • Be dressed and ready for class on time - in the designated area, on your numbers, 7 mins after the tardy bell rings. Students should be inside the locker room by the time the tardy bell rings. 

    • Be dressed in proper clothing to participate: MMS PE shirt, shorts or sweats, tennis shoes (must have laces).  Leave hats (unless appropriate to be worn for outside activities), jewelry, etc. in PE lockers.

    • Clothes must be washed every week. You may want to think about having an extra set at school just in case you forget your clothes on Monday.  

    • Students are not permitted to participate in any activity or use any equipment without teacher supervision.

    • Leave the locker room cleaner than you found it.  

    • NO GUM or food during PE class

    • Be prepared with a water bottle for class, it’s important to stay hydrated (cold water bottles for sale in the locker room for $1).

    • After changing, students are to remain in designated areas until the final bell rings.

    • Display good sportsmanship at all times; be positive to all teammates and opponents.

    • Students should try the best they can each and every day!