Safety and Connectedness Survey

  • Ensuring your child's safety at school is our top priority. As a district, we have established systems and structures to actively listen to families' concerns about safety and their connection to the school site. One important way we gather feedback is through the Family Safety and Connectedness Survey, which allows us to hear directly from you. Rest assured, your responses are kept anonymous and will be used by our safety and security team to guide continuous improvement efforts and investments.


    How familiar are you with the following at your child's school?

    • Safety policies
    • Staff Safety Training
    • School Behavior Expectations
    • Classroom Behavior Expectations
    • Discipline policies
    • Emergency Response plan

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?  

    • My child is proud of their school
    • My child feels safe at their school
    • My child knows what behavior is expected of them
    • Other students know what behavior is expected of them
    • School rules are clearly defined and explained so that I can understand them.
    • My child generally behaves well at school
    • Other students generally behave well at school
    • My child feels safe going to and coming from school
    • My child feels they belong (is known and feels welcome) at this school
    • My child has friends at this school
    • My child has at least one trusted adult at this school
    • I am informed if my child has caused a disruption at school
    • I am informed if my child has been a victim (ie, bullying, harassment, physical aggression, threats)
    • My child is learning a lot at this school
    • Teachers make sure school rules are followed
    • Recess and lunch supervisors make sure school rules are followed
    • I feel teachers care about my child’s learning
    • My child feels that teachers care about them
    • Students receive consequences for behavior problems
    • I feel that consequences for behavior problems are appropriate

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    • Behavior of some students make it difficult for my child to learn at this school
    • My child commonly reports disruptive behavior at school
    • Arguments among students are common at this school
    • Threats by one student against another are common at this school
    • Physical fighting is common at this school
    • Stealing from staff or other students is common at this school
    • Students carrying weapons is a problem at this school
    • Students using drugs or alcohol is common at this school
    • Gang activity or affiliation is evident at this school
    • Teasing, bullying, and name calling is common at my school.

    I am aware of  name-calling, insults, or teasing at this school targeting students for the following:

    • Racial or ethnic identity
    • Physical disabilities
    • Learning disabilities
    • Physical appearance (body shaming)
    • Gender identity
    • None of the above happen regularly at this school

    If there are specific areas at school where you feel your child is UNSAFE, please check them below:

    • Route to and from school
    • Arrival and Departure points
    • Classrooms
    • Cafeteria or other dining areas
    • Play areas
    • Restrooms
    • School Bus
    • Office area
    • Gym or field
    • Locker rooms
    • Parking lot
    • Traffic at School Sites during pickup and drop-off
    • Hallways
    • Extended Day Program
    • Other

    Overall, do you feel your child's school is very safe, somewhat safe, not very safe or not at all safe?

    Are there any additional specific safety concerns you have about your child's school?  Please explain.

    Are you aware of the “Students Speaking Out” App sponsored by Crimestopper that’s downloaded on your student’s chromebook (

    If yes, have you utilized this app?

    What would you do to make this school safer?

    • My child’s school has helped me support my child’s learning at home. Likert
    • My child’s school has offered ways for me to learn about my child’s education. Likert
    • The communication I receive from my child’s school is meaningful to me. Likert
    • My ideas are considered at my child’s school. Likert=
    • I have opportunities to connect with my child’s school staff. Likert
    • School staff is available for questions. Likert
    • I know how to contact my child’s teacher. Y/N
    • I have a strong relationship with my child’s
      • Teacher
      • Principal
      • Family Liaison