Extended Day Program


    Please Note: The 2023-2024 waitlist will NOT rollover.    

    2024/2025 Fall EDP Sunrise/Sunset Enrollment: 

    Registrations for 2024/2025 EDP Sunrise/Sunset Program are now open.

    To access your registration link please check your email or follow the steps below:

    1.  Log in to the parent portal at
    2.  Click on your students name for the 24/25 school year
    3.  Click on "My Forms"
    4.  Click on "Extended Opportunities Registration 2025"


    Camp Cajon Camp Cajon Summer Program 2025

    Click Here for more information about 2025 Camp Cajon Summer Program 


    Free Extended Day Program at ASES sites:  These school sites currently have state funding which subsidizes the Extended Day Program at no cost with attendance requirements.   Anza, Chase, Johnson, W.D. Hall, Bostonia Language Academy, Lexington, Madison, Meridian (PM only), Naranca and all Middle School sites.


    Programa de Dia Extendido Gratuito en las Escuelas de ASES:  Estas escuelas tienen actualmente fondos estatales que subvencionan el Programa de Día Extendido ofreciendo tarifas gratuitas con requisitos de asistencia. Anza, Chase, Johnson, W.D. Hall, Bostonia Language Academy, Lexington, Madison, Meridian (PM solamente), Naranca y todas las escuelas secundarias.


    乇毓丕賷丞 丕賱兀胤賮丕賱 丕賱賲噩丕賳賷丞 賮賷  賲丿丕乇爻 ASES: 鬲賲鬲賱賰 賴匕賴 丕賱賲丿丕乇爻 丨丕賱賷賸丕 鬲賲賵賷賱賸丕 丨賰賵賲賷賸丕 賷丿毓賲 亘乇賳丕賲噩 丕賱賷賵賲 丕賱賲賵賾爻毓 丕賱匕賷 賷鬲賵賮乇 亘丕爻毓丕乇 賲噩丕賳賷丞 兀賵 賲禺賮囟丞 賲毓 賲鬲胤賱亘丕鬲 丕賱丨囟賵乇 賮賷 賲丿丕乇爻:

    兀賳夭丕貙 噩丕賷爻貙 噩賵賳爻賵賳貙 丿亘賱賷賵 丿賷 賴賵賱貙 丕賰丕丿賷賲賷丞 亘爻鬲賵賳賷丕 賱賱睾丕鬲貙 賱賷賰爻賳鬲賵賳貙 賲丕丿賷爻賵賳貙 賲賷乇賷丿賷丕賳 (亘毓丿 丕賱馗賴乇 賮賯胤)貙 賳丕乇丕賳賰丕貙 賵噩賲賷毓 丕賱賲丿丕乇爻 丕賱賲鬲賵爻胤丞.

    賯賲 亘丕賱鬲爻噩賷賱 賵丕賱鬲賯丿賲 賱賱丨氐賵賱 毓賱賶 兀爻毓丕乇 ASES 丕賱賲噩丕賳賷丞 賴賳丕


    Parent Information & Program Policies

    The mission of the 麻豆社区 Union School District's Extended Day Program is to create an engaging, emotionally, and physically safe environment before and after school that promotes life-long learning, confidence, and communication in a validating, dependable, and structured environment.

    In order to keep students engaged before and after school, they will enjoy a wide array of ultra-engaging, high energy, and super-fun activities in a structured camp like setting. Student's academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and physical skills are enhanced in a safe and caring environment.

    The Extended Day Program is governed and regulated by the 麻豆社区 Union School District, Special Education and Pupil Services Department.

    Our Extended Day Program strives to create an emotionally and physically safe environment for all students, every day, when parents are working or attending school. The program includes a nutritious snack, homework support, and academic activities that link to the common core standards. Enrichment activities are an important part of the program and include fine arts, science, literature, physical activity, sports, crafts, and cooperative games.

    Extended Day Programs are available at Elementary and Middle school sites, with both fee based and subsidized programs available. Families approved for free or reduced lunch at subsidized sites may qualify for free rates. Alternative Payment Programs are accepted.

    ASES sitesThese sites currently have state funding which subsidizes the Extended Day Program at no cost with attendance requirements.   Anza, Chase, Johnson, W.D. Hall, Bostonia Language Academy, Lexington, Madison, Meridian (PM only), Naranca and all Middle School sites.


    First priority shall go to pupils who are identified by the program as homeless youth, as defined by the federal Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a), at the time that they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, and to pupils who are identified by the program as being in foster care, and to pupils who are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals.   Second priority for enrollment will be given to students who can attend the full range of hours every day. Non-compliance with the attendance and late arrival policy may result in disenrollment from the program.


    If you are interested in applying or think you may qualify for further reduced or free rates you will need to Print and complete the Free & Reduced Application. Return to the District Office with the necessary back up for processing. 

    Please login to the Parent Portal to complete the application to place your student on the waitlist. 

    Non-ASES rate: Fees are prepaid monthly and charged on a flat 5 day/week rate including single-day holidays.





Contact Us

  • Camp Sunrise / Sunset
    Extended Day Program
    麻豆社区 Union School District
    750 E. Main Street 
    Room #10
    El Cajon, CA 92020

    Mailing Address
    P.O. Box 1566
    El Cajon, CA  92022-1566

    Fax: 619.579.4848 or 619.588.3673

    Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


    Nicolle Starr
    Program Manager

    Amanda Orwen
    Program Supervisor

    Natalie Perez
    Program Supervisor

    Rachel Mudd
    Office Secretary

    Cindy Barnett
    Office Technician (Billing & Registration)
    (Anza, Avocado, Blossom Valley, Lexington, Madison, Magnolia, Meridian, Rios and Vista Grande Elementary Schools, Greenfield, Los Coches Creek and Montgomery Middle Schools, APP Family Accounts)

    Jessica Romero
    Office Technician (Billing & Registration)
    (Chase, Flying Hills, Fuerte, Jamacha, Johnson,  Language Academy, and Rancho San Diego Elementary Schools, Hillsdale and Los Coches Creek Middle Schools)

    Laura Trujillo
    Office Technician (Billing & Registration)
    (CVMS, Crest, Naranca, WD Hall, Ed Services)   

    Nanette Andrabado
    Accounting Technician