Expectations for Student Success

  • We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and positive school environment which is conducive to student learning and to preparing students for responsible citizenship by fostering self-discipline and personal responsibility. We believe that high expectations for student behavior, use of effective school and classroom management strategies, provision of appropriate intervention and support, and parent involvement can minimize the need for disciplinary measures that exclude students from instruction and their school community. 

    We do this by: 

    • Understanding our students’ strengths, values, needs and experiences.
    • Providing a clean, developmentally appropriate physical environment.
    • Using established standards for social, emotional and behavioral skills.
    • Modeling expected skills.
    • Implementing intentional time and structures to build connections and community.

Examples of Behaviors and Tiers

  • Behavior
    Example Behaviors Managed By
    • Tardiness, absences
    • Dress code violation
    • Lying, cheating, or plagiarism
    • Classroom disruptions
    • Unauthorized cell phone use
    • Profanity or inappropriate langauge

    Teacher/classroom staff depending on frequency and severity students and parents/guardians may be involved as necessary 

    • Bullying
    • Truancy
    • Fighting
    • Vandalism
    • Attempted Theft
    • Repeated violation of Level 1 behaviors
    Teacher/classroom staff and administrator depending on frequency and severity
    • Possessing a weapon
    • Possessing, sharing or selling tobacco, drugs or alcohol
    • Major campus disruption
    • Sexual activity 
    • Theft
    • Causing physical injury
    Principal and/or other administrator 

How do these expectations support the 8 Promises?

  • build relationships build community communicate positively
    Build Relationships Build Community Communicate Positively
    Setting clear expectations for student success allows students to build positive relationships with their peers, teachers, and school staff. Setting clear expectations for student success allows us to build a strong community where everyone is able to learn, build connections and thrive while being themselves.  Setting clear expectations for student success means we communicate in a positive manner what we need from each other to thrive. It also means we clearly communicate what's at stake when we don't follow through.