• Sack Lunch Request Submission Process:

    • Sack Lunch Request Forms can be found below. These are the only forms that will be accepted.  


    • Forms must be received:
      • Field Trips - no later than 7 days prior to your trip. Requests of less than 7 days will not be filled


    • Include both teacher's name and school site so that we can process your trip correctly. If several classes from the same school are going on the same trip, one sack lunch request can be submitted. Please include all teachers' names on the request form.



      • Included in your sack lunch cooler on the day of your trip will be a hot pink Daily Meal Count Form.  It is very important that this is fully completed and returned to your cafeteria lead.
      • Lunches are delivered to the school kitchen. Field Trip Lunches will be available for pick up when students are dismissed to go to Field Trip buses.  Students are required to pick up their own sack lunch from the cafeteria and enter the ID number at the cafeteria serving windows.