

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Fenwick

Hi Families and Student Scientists!

Quick Stats about me:

Born: San Diego, CA

Family: I live with my husband and our dog, Watson

Lived: San Diego, CA; Boston, MA; Bonn, Germany

College: University of San Diego, Salem State University, and The San Diego Zoo! (Ask me about this fun master's program)

Food: Chocolate, tacos, vegetables with hummus, fruit

Beverage: Coffee, chai, bobba tea

Hobby: Dancing and hiking

And of course!!! I LOVE science and I LOVE teaching science. To me, science is a way to look at and explain the world around us. A scientist is anyone who questions the world around them and then engages in a particular method of study in order to understand it better. Sometimes scientists make mistakes. And sometimes scientists get it wrong. Actually, scientists often get it wrong. That's what makes for good science. That's what makes for good science - they don't give up and continue to try new methods. That's what we will do in my classroom. We will not give up, and we will try new methods of learning until we understand the world around us better.