• The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are designed to provide students a more indepth exploration to science. Anyone who asks questions and search for a verifiable answer is a scientist. At CVMS, students will engage in observation and exporation, experiments, engineering projects, research projects, and more!

  • Trimester 1

    Earth Science

    - Rock Transformations

    - Geology on Mars

    - Plate Motion

    - Engineering Design: Tsunami Warning Alert System

  • Trimester 2

    Physical Science

    - Phase Change: Solids, Liquids, and Gases

    - Chemical Reactions

    - Engineering Design: Portable Incubation System

  • Trimester 3

    Life Science

    - Populations & Resources

    - Matter & Energy in Ecosystems

    - Photosynthesis

    - Engineering Design: Plastics Dilemma
