Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Julie Hepp
3rd Grade Teacher
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Education: San Diego State University (Bachelor's in Education Degree) & Ashford University (Master's in Education Degree)
Teaching Career: 11 Years at Madison Elementary
Contact: ParentSquare or (Email) heppj@cajonvalley.net
Google Classroom: (Link) https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjg1ODc4NjRa?cjc=4xcaoqy
My Beliefs: My teaching philosophy is to prepare children for their future by providing them with learning experiences that help shape their knowledge, skills, and character. These years are incredibly important because children are continually influenced at a very impressionable age, which is why I want to always demonstrate kindness and encouragement for every child.
“Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.” -Dr. Seuss