Course Description

  • Tikal

  • World History: The seventh grade social studies curriculum will cover the Medieval time period.  The civilizations we will focus on will include Rome, West Africa, Europe, China, Japan, and the Americas. We will investigate global awareness and a conceptual understanding of how global cultural perspectives, including social, political, economic, cultural and environmental components of each culture, impact the world we live in today.

    CLASSWORK & HOMEWORK: Projects, activities and assignments are designed to motivate your child to learn about the medieval cultures and how he or she relates to the past as well as the present.  Homework is rarely assigned. If a student does not complete their classwork, then it is considered homework and is due the next day. One major project, Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA), will be assigned at the end of each unit which will include a written or digital project(s). This is given in lieu of an exam. Students are given 18 different activities to choose from during the three days they work on their CYOA. Each CYOA is worth 225 points, so it is important for students to complete each one. 

    SKILLS: Students will receive lessons in geography, note-taking, expository reading, paraphrasing, discussion, quizzes and CER (Claim Evidence Reasoning) writing skills.  We will utilize the best in each student’s thinking, speaking, and listening skills.  Cooperation and a good attitude are a must, since collaboration is a large part of the classroom experience. .