CCCSS Resources for Special Education

  • Below are additional resources designed to support families of students with special needs.  

    • 10 Things Parents Need to Know: The Common Core
      • (PDF; Posted 13-May-2014)
      • (PDF; Posted 15-May-2014)
    • 10 Things Students with Disabilities Need to Know: The Common Core
      • (PDF; Posted 13-May-2014)
      • (PDF; Posted 15-May-2014)
    • (PDF; Posted13-May-2014)
      • Guías para padres cuales dan información sobre los temas académicos que sus estudiantes van a aprender en los grados K - 8. Estas guías están escritas por grado y dan información sobre el aprendizaje de matemáticas y Íngles que los estudiantes van a aprender (Spanish Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards).
      • What do parents need to know about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? How will they affect teaching and assessing mathematics and English language arts? What are the benefits and what can parents do to prepare for the CCSS? These and other questions are answered in the March 2011 “Spotlight on the Common Core State Standards”—a series published by Education Northwest to keep regional stakeholders informed about this important initiative.