• We have several students in the GATE program. Gifted and Talented Education.

    Program Goal: To provide high quality differentiated opportunities for learning that successfully address gifted and talented students' individual and unique abilities and talents while meeting and exceeding state and local content standards within the context of the regular school day.

    Our team, Mrs. Merk, Mrs. Melanese, and Mrs. Flickinger use differentiated instruction and questioning techniques to address the needs of these students. We use strategies and activities for each lesson and activity to maximize the learning of the GATE students. We took classes this summer on Differentiated Instruction and Brain Research.

    * Differentiated Curriculum

    Acceleration/Pacing The student moves more rapidly through a particular curricular sequence. This may occur through self-pacing.

    Depth Depth is elaboration. The student pursues a topic to a greater level of understanding. The student examines topics by determining the facts, concepts, generalizations, principles, and theories related to them.

    Complexity Complexity is extending the content to the study of issues, problems, and themes. The student relates concepts and ideas at a more sophisticated level; sees associations among diverse subjects, topics, or level: finds multiple solutions to problems: and analyzes and evaluates solutions from several points of view.

    Novelty Novelty is primarily student initiated. The student is encouraged to seek original interpretations, reinterpretations, or restatements of existing information. The student approaches areas of study in personalized, individualistic, and nontraditional ways.

    * "Differentiation the Core Curriculum and Instruction to Provide Advanced Learning Opportunities," California Department of Education Association for the Gifted, 1994.


    Below I have attached two links. One link contains challenging games. The other link has articles for parents.

    Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.