Degrees and Certifications:
Sid Lee
I am Mr. Lee. Currently I teach 5th grade math but I started out as a 1st grade teacher 24 years ago. I have spent my whole career at Naranca and plan to end it at Naranca. It’s great to see old students and catch up with them. However, it’s more amazing when I find out their own children are attending Naranca. Then it is truly awesome when they say I look the same when they were here!
I tell my students, “The answer is secondary. Teach me how and why.” If students can explain how they got an answer and why it makes sense to them, they are thinking. Even if their answer is wrong, they are thinking. Students are expected to take control and be responsible for their education. Their work should have purpose and meaning. I believe that my job is more than teaching curriculum. I am to help them develop good habits and a foundation to help them have a healthy and successful life.
I have 3 young kids. I get to read to them, kiss them, and say, “I love you,” to them every night. I love turning them into fans of Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, and anything Sci-Fi. My 9 year old daughter and I are learning Choy Li Fut together. My family likes going to the beach, cheering for the Warriors, building lego cities, and most recently, fishing and camping.